House System

At Svitlo, our House system is an integral part of every school day. We have four Houses, each with its own House Ambassadors and House prefects. Their tasks are to motivate and enthuse the pupils within their respective House and play a full and active part in the inter-House competitions. At the end of each term there is a list of House Heroes (pupils with most House points) who hold the position for the following term.
Our four Houses are
Albion (old name for England)
Hibernia (old name for Ireland)
Caledonia (old name for Scotland)
Cambria (old name for Wales)

Every pupil  is placed in one of the Houses when they join Svitlo School. Where possible, siblings are in the same House to foster a sense of family loyalty and ensure less tension in dinner conversations at home! By being a member of the House family, pupils  are encouraged to show team spirit.  

At the very heart of the House System is our school vision ‘Compassion, Curiosity, Inspiration”. Put simply, we want our children to:

  • Engage in a diverse range of activities
  • Show proactivity and healthy competition
  • Develop a sense of community cohesion
  • Show compassion for other people

We hold regular House assemblies with all staff, and age groups that belong to that house. This breaks down barriers between the year groups and creates a sense of togetherness; encouraging the older pupils to look out for the younger ones and more experienced pupils to welcome new ones through our Buddy approach.

All pupils have the opportunity to earn House points for their House, which will be recorded by teachers, prefects and school staff. Points are awarded for things such as:

  • helping others (pupils, volunteers and Svitlo team)
  • contribution to lessons
  • participation in competitions
  • pupils can also gain valuable House points for doing the right thing or going the extra mile.  

We hold a House Festival at the end of each term to celebrate and showcase the achievements of pupils across the school and announce the overall House cup winner. 

Spring 2023 Term
Winning House


Congratulations, Cambria. Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievements.