Mariana Shafro is a renowned Ukrainian photographer and film director. She graduated from the New York Film Academy in 2009. Over her 15-year career, Mariana has been featured in numerous prestigious magazines, including Vogue, Forbes, ELLE, L’Officiel, Life, and others.
Read moreHeather Rhodes, one of Svitlo's Trustees, is a pioneer of online education with over 10 years of experience in the field. She was the founding principal of Harrow School Online, the first purpose-designed fully online A-level school, which became the world’s most academically successful online school.
Read moreJohn Sweeney, a British award-winning journalist, writer, and the author of the bestseller ‘Killer in the Kremlin’. John Sweeney is renowned for his investigative journalism, contributing to the BBC and The Observer newspapers on various international issues.
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