People of Svitlo School

Uddhav Pareek


Uddhav is a student and loves Mathematics. He is from India and wants to do something that makes his nation proud of him. In the future he aspires to do research in areas related to Mathematics.

Each week, he runs a Maths session for Svitlo with the younger group of students. In his classes, students learn and practise various concepts of Maths like factors, multiples, and Algebra. He has also planned to go ahead with Co-ordinate Geometry, which will also enhance students' skills in solving real-life Physics problems.

The zeal and enthusiasm shown by Svitlo students have been a motivating and encouraging factor in Uddhav's association with them.

Other people of Svitlo School

Administrative and communications coordinator
Gianfranco Catanzaro
English Language
Ritu Pareek
Indian Culture