People of Svitlo School

Helen Reid


Helen has lived in England all her life and would love to travel more. She once swam with sharks and loves gardening. Also she is a mum, wife and a new business owner. Helen loves her family and  is a huge Bolton Wanderers FC supporter.

When she saw Yuliya's request for volunteers on LinkedIn at the start of the war, Helen felt like she really wanted to do something to help the Ukrainian people. Helen loves that students turn up for lessons because they genuinely want to learn. She said that they have all been so polite and grateful for the lessons that it makes it an absolute joy and privilege to be part of Svitlo School. Helen, who has been teaching Biology at Svitlo since March 2022, is also a Science teacher. Lessons are always very interesting and full of a friendly atmosphere. We always learn something new.

Other people of Svitlo School

Administrative and communications coordinator
Gianfranco Catanzaro
English Language