People of Svitlo School

Cameron Nielsen

English Literature

Cameron teaches English and literature to the senior group. He enjoys the teaching and admits that it is an impressive subject. In his lessons, students study literature and English, and many other subjects, such as history, geography, science, and religion. They analyse the structure of poems, and poetry and discuss why the author chose to write exactly this way. Many people think that literature is a boring subject, and it is only about reading, but it is just too often taught in a way that is not interesting. Cameron loves what he teaches. After all, literature is multifaceted; studying it you can travel around the world, and learn more about different types of cultures and people, their thoughts and beliefs.

Cameron was born in Geneva, and most of his childhood was spent in Florida, but only after moving to England, when he was 9 years old, did he begin to develop a sense of cultural identity. He likes museums, royal palaces, and, of course, English tea. He likes to play at the sea and listen to any music. He dreams of becoming a professional violinist; to play in an orchestra or as a soloist.

Also, Cameron has the desire to write poems, therefore he independently wrote such books as:

“I am a passionate gardener” and “I am an award-winning street dancer”.

By joining Cameron's lesson, you can sometimes get to the virtual cinema hall, and then compare, looking at the original composition of the author and the film that was taken. He decided to teach at Svitlo School because he wanted to help. “I felt like it was a bad thing, sitting at home and reading all these terrible headlines, without having the opportunity to do anything. I have learned a lot, being part of the school of light, much more than I could have imagined, I am lucky to have such an opportunity”, – Cameron shares.

Other people of Svitlo School

Administrative and communications coordinator
Gianfranco Catanzaro
English Language