People of Svitlo School

Anna Chiesa


Anna was born in Pavia, a town 30 km away from Milano, popular for its University. She currently lives with her family in Valencia, South Spain and they’ve been living in Malta for 2 years.

Anna loves travelling and discovering new places, cultures, people and food. She is passionate about books, sunny, warm weather and vinyasa yoga. She adores the colour green in every shade: in fact green means nature, freedom and peace, three very important things.  People who meet her always believe she has African ancestry due to her very curly hair but her origins are definitely only Italian.

Anna invites you to participate in her Italian lessons. We don’t talk just about grammar or vocabulary but also about a lot of stimulating topics such as music, history, culture, literature and food! Just give it a try, every level is welcome.

Other people of Svitlo School

Administrative and communications coordinator
Gianfranco Catanzaro
English Language