As a volunteer

Watch the video recording of the webinar to find out everything about volunteering to teach Ukranian children at Svitlo School . More Info here.

Join our team of innovative and active volunteers at Svitlo School for Ukrainian children who are making a difference! Their contributions help us to provide quality education and create a supportive environment for our students.

Our Volunteers come from all over the world (literally from West Canada to New Zealand) and from different backgrounds. You can volunteer any time from an hour a week and teach a subject that is close to your heart and an area of expertise. We support our teachers with training, communication and links to resources but also let them be creative and teach what they feel passionate about.

Please fill out the form and our head of academics will get in touch with you. After an individual video call with you, they will also attend your first lesson and then support you through the planning. Please note that we run background checks (also known as police checks) on our volunteers to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

Alternatively, email:

This is what our current volunteers have to say:

You gain more than you give by volunteering at Svitlo:

- Children are very punctual and highly intelligent
- They will engage and really care about the lessons
- It is very rewarding to notice their progress
- They love talking about different countries
- They are positive about the future and you are part of this positivity
- They appreciate your time and knowledge
- The are open to debate
- Great personal experience
- Good experience to have on CV
- Strong Education links through Svitlo community
- You are creating positive change in the world !! it’s really a unique and historic opportunity.

Michael O'toole.

As a volunteer I have personally gained a huge amount from working with the students Svitlo Education School. Twice a week I meet up with students, to teach Business Basics and Geography.
The support I have been afforded by my new colleagues, in particular Yuliya Kosko, Thomas Courtley and Craig Eason, has been fundamental to my success and our developing partnerships reminds me of my favourite African proverb: “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.”  

I am also a better online teacher!I hope, in return, that I am able to give the students some of the life they deserve and help take their minds off the despicable acts that are taking place in their country for an hour or two a week. My geography class are currently 'touring' the world; learning to cook Greek and Turkish dishes, dance the Argentine Tango, and sing African lullabies. This week we are visiting Sri Lanka.If you have the time, get involved. You will learn new skills and much about yourself as well as helping young people to grow and develop".

Ruchard Human

As a person coming from a global industrial technology background I found the shift to teaching pretty straightforward. The students are intelligent, respectful, creative and  appreciative. Teaching at Svlitlo is gift that I feel makes a small but definitly positive change in the challenging world we live in

Michael O'toole.

The Svitlo students and their classes are now an integral part of my life. Although classes are meant for teaching but for me, I have learnt alot from them. Their resistance, humility and positivity towards life is appreciable and always a motivating factor. It's an honor and privilege to be associated with Svitlo.

Dr. Ritu Pareek